Rivulets of silver rain reflect along the wall of glass
Hopeful and blue
Individual drops of life-igniting pearls
One, then two and soon a thousand heart beats pound against the roof in a confluence of water force
They pour together into pools and puddles and overflowing banks
Becoming streams and rivers flowing deep into the roots of a waking thirsty world
Serendipity? A master plan?
I dwell on this for a second or two
At least until the sun bursts through and brings the change
A new light bends in disconcerting shapes like a kaleidoscope of pent up winter energy
Reflecting greens and pinks and buds exploding out beyond my window pane
Drinking it all in and opening
Trunks and branches, stems and petals, reaching up in gasps and swirls
All new
All fresh
As spring unfurls
PhotoLyrics - Poetry by Mark Safran - Photograph by Doré Vorum