New Exhibition and it's in a Gallery!

The photograph below, reflections of a high-rise building as seen in another high-rise, was captured in Los Angeles just as the first cases of Covid were being diagnosed. I struggled when processing the photograph during lockdown, because the original blue version below, pretty much right out of the camera with a bit of straightening, just didn’t speak to me.

So I stripped the color and texture, creating this black and white version and it started to feel right… for a time.

But now, it is this version I call “Reflections in the Times of Covid: Los Angeles”, that sings to me .. muted colors with a bit of texture. Apparently it sang to others as well! It is now on view and the proud First Place Winner at the Pennsylvania Center for Photography’s Transformations Exhibition at New Hope Arts Gallery, through September 6th.

Small pebble on the road of life

In the grand scheme things, not being able to attend opening receptions to exhibitions I had been juried into, is no big deal. In fact it is a very very very small pebble on the road of life, especially during a pandemic. 

Thankfully we humans are adapting to changing times. Take the art community. Instead of people going to galleries, art is going to wherever they may be via virtual exhibitions.

Many thanks to Phliadelphia’s Artblog for including me in their Artists in the Time of Coronavirus Virtual Exhibition, Part 25. I'm the last artist


Silver Lining

During the past few months I was in an artist slump, unable to see or capture imagery of our amazing world. Even when I would scroll through my catalog of images, I felt no inspiration which had me wondering, how I could call myself an artist. 

But on a recent trip, I was wandering the streets of Los Angeles, surrounded by amazing architecture, stunning reflections, and the extraordinary Disney Concert Hall (designed by Frank Gehry), and suddenly I was inspired and seeing again. Possibilities were coming back and my camera began to wake…and then...COVID-19, sheltering in place, worrying about toilet paper. Like everyone, I wanted to cover up and hide. Yet even in these dark times, I am finding a way to work through it and even find solace and beauty in making my photographs. There is always a silver lining.


Reflecting my ever changing mindset

I’ve been processing this image over the last few days. Blue is the original image, pretty much right out of the camera with a bit of straightening.


I love the second version where I added color and texture, but it didn’t feel right.


So I stripped the color and texture, creating a black and white version, and it felt right … perhaps because it reflects my view current view of the world.


A new voice

When wandering this great planet of ours with my camera, I am attracted to vibrant color whether it be reflections, architecture, or whatever catches my eye. It is why I am so surprised by the direction my art has taken during these unsettled times, towards muted colors. By going with flow and being open to change, the photographs I make now, sing with a new voice.

Reflections: DTLA 2

Reflections: DTLA 2

Now at the Trenton Museum

Extremely excited to announce my photograph, Pacific Zen, is currently on display at the Trenton Museum's Juried Ellarslie Open 36. Exhibition runs through July 7th.

What Others are saying about Doré Vorum Photography

Lovely review by Lane Welkin about my pieces in the juried Compendium 2019 exhibition at the Banana Factory in Bethlehem, PA. “Stunning so as tomato you stop. Brilliant to make you look further.”

Coordinates Series: Coordinates: 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W

Coordinates Series: Coordinates: 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W

Coordinates Series: 32.7065° N, 117.1618° W.

Coordinates Series: 32.7065° N, 117.1618° W.

Water Dance: San Antonio River

Recently I was scrolling through my Lightroom library when an image, captured several years ago, caught my eye. It was a river reflecting the surrounding area shrouded in shadows. I was mesmerized and wondered why I didn’t see the potential before. Experience, age, I truly don’t know.

Not much was done to make that photograph below. Captured in camera with minor edits to exposure and color. It’s the first in my Water Dance project.

©dorevorum,photography17-06 SA-408.jpg

Radius Magazine

I'm really proud and excited to be featured in the current issue of Radius Magazine, though I must say, it's also a wee bit scary to be out there in print.

New shows opening tomorrow

So excited to be part of two exhibitions opening tomorrow. 

Doggie Dinner at the Pennslyvania Center for Photography's Juried Americana exhibit. Reception is from 6-8pm, 181 E Court Street, Doylestown. Runs through April 8th.

Doggie Dinner at the Pennslyvania Center for Photography's Juried Americana exhibit. Reception is from 6-8pm, 181 E Court Street, Doylestown. Runs through April 8th.

Two pieces including Urban silhouette at the Conservatory Artists Guild Late Winter show. Reception is from 6:30-8:30pm, 4059 Skyron Drive, Doylestown.. Runs through March 29th. 

Two pieces including Urban silhouette at the Conservatory Artists Guild Late Winter show. Reception is from 6:30-8:30pm, 4059 Skyron Drive, Doylestown.. Runs through March 29th.