"Liquid architecture. It's like jazz - you improvise, you work together off each other, you make something, they make something. And I think it's a way of - for me, it's a way of trying to understand the city, and what might happen in the city." Frank Gehry, American Architect
Frank Gehry
There's just something about buildings designed by architect Frank Gehry. Their flow, texture, changing light and shadows makes my heart sing. This image was captured at the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Web of Life
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. Chief Seattle
Swiping the world
Photographers go to great lengths and expense to keep their cameras still so that a sharp image will be rendered. It is perhaps why I find it so liberating to move mine while shooting. Part of my Swiping the World, One Photograph at a Time Project.
Title: Reaction to our ever changing times
Other Possibilities
Like a bee being drawn to honey, it was the vibrant colors that drew me to this image. Yet when making the photograph it was only when I removed the color that it began to sing to me. I allowed myself to explore the many possibilities when creating this image and that made all the difference.