Many years ago an amazing photographer shared these words of wisdom "If you see red, shoot it". It is a mantra I have followed to this day. Though over time I've modified it a bit to include black and white. Seeing the three colors together, like this image in Tampa, makes my heart sing.
re·flec·tion, noun. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it. "the reflection of light"
When I share my reflection photographs, folks are curious about how I saw the scene. It is something I find difficult to explain because it is not what I saw, but a feeling that drew me in. It is the feelings of wonderment, lightness, happiness, curiosity and serendipity that I try to capture with my camera.
Reflections: San Antonio Riverwalk 5. Minor adjustments to exposure, but pretty much what came out of my camera.
Dancing with my camera
I was captivated by a beautiful light sculpture suspended above my head and took many images from above, below, level, and while swiping my camera. When creating photographs, it was the images where my camera and I moved together, as if in a dance, that sang to me.
Reminder to self, be open to all possibilities .. the results may surprise you.
Web of Life
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. Chief Seattle