There's just something about buildings designed by architect Frank Gehry. Their flow, texture, changing light and shadows makes my heart sing. This image was captured at the Ohr-O'Keefe Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Many years ago an amazing photographer shared these words of wisdom "If you see red, shoot it". It is a mantra I have followed to this day. Though over time I've modified it a bit to include black and white. Seeing the three colors together, like this image in Tampa, makes my heart sing.
One image at a time
Like a fine wine sometimes an image or the photographer, that would be me, needs to wait before it can be processed. As an example, recently I made the photograph above yet it was captured in 2011. Did I not take the time to really look at each thumbnail and see the potential? Have the toolbox or skills to make the image in my minds eye? I don't know the answer, but what I do know is, going forward I'm going to slow down and look, really look at my images one at a time.