Look up, look down, look all around
Up in the air or on the ground
Come for a walk, come for a ride
There's so much to see so come outside
Often when I wander with my camera this children’s poem plays in my head. I come home with pictures when shooting at eye level, but when I look up, look down, look all around, magic happens.
One image at a time
Like a fine wine sometimes an image or the photographer, that would be me, needs to wait before it can be processed. As an example, recently I made the photograph above yet it was captured in 2011. Did I not take the time to really look at each thumbnail and see the potential? Have the toolbox or skills to make the image in my minds eye? I don't know the answer, but what I do know is, going forward I'm going to slow down and look, really look at my images one at a time.